It looks like I'm getting a late birthday present, and everyone is getting an early Christmas present. The folks at EA and DICE have finally dated the release of their Back to Karkand DLC for mid-December. Battlefield 3's back to Karkand add-on, which will be free to those who pre-order BF3 (myself included), is set to be released on December 13th. Otherwise, it's $15 (1200 MSP). Playstation version owners will get it a week earlier on the 6th.
Karkand will feature new maps, guns, vehicles and achievement/trophies. It seems that the weapons will be unlocked by "Assignments" which require you to meet specific requirements within a match. But the cool thing is that they unlock for not only the BtK maps, but also the originals. Let's just hope that they're guns worth running on the treadmill for. I do enough running in the game as it is.