The New Legacy Control

Well, it's been a long time coming, but the new site design for Legacy Control is live! This fresh coat of paint (along with numerous other tweaks and features along the way) are brought to you by me, the web designer, developer, and 'web ninja' at LC. Like it or not, I'd say it's vast improvement both visually and functionally. But don't take my word for it... check it out! And read the comic while you're there. Seriously. That's what it's there for.

Along with the new eye-candy, comes some potential word-candy in the form of LC's new Control Freaks blog. This editorial/blog resides at You can learn all about it from its inaugural post.

For those who aren't familiar, Legacy Control is a relatively new (well, more like 2 years old) webcomic about video games and other geek culture. No sense in a long-winded intro -- just visit the site:


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